Our Teams

CrazyLaugh Comedy Team

Rachel Shi (四七)

Chief Producer & Co-founder
"Rachel what's your real name? 47是个谐音梗"

Minyu Kuang (凯凯)

Chief of Staff
51% P + 49% J

Muhuan Liu (三岁)

Head of Social Media & Co-founder
"Be Les Fabulous"

Nicholas Zhai (缺德舅)

Head of Volunteer Mgmt & Co-founder
“我真的不知道超市几点开门!Laughter is a strong medicine 小红书@纽约缺德舅”

Baries Li (拉面)

Head of New Comic Development & Co-founder
"哪怕失败几率是99.99%,我也会去尝试0.01%的可能性 Aim for 0.01% chance, even if there's a 99.99% rate to fail"

Felix Li (小非)

Comic Lead / Graphic Designer
"「。」/「 . 」"

Jason Li (熊猫君)

Comic Lead / 【盲目的爱】Producer
“庆祝无意义🎉 Let's celebrate insignificance”

Edward Wang (阿华)

Tech & Ops Lead

CrazyLaugh New York

Luna Lu

Lead Producer

Monday Cai (星期一)

“We make Laugh 星期一也可以吃炸鸡”

Karl Xie

【Asian CEO】Producer
"Big fan of NFL & Korean Baseball Organization Cheerleaders"

Rita Sun

Social Media Lead

Kipha Lv (吕罚)

Social Media Lead

Kaiming Teng (开明)

Volunteer Lead
"只要你喜欢复读,我们就是好朋友。I am a mentally stable copy-paste machine."

Nidya Liu (阿豆)

Lead Designer
"阿豆不大逗 / Dou is not funny."

Jeremy Li

Lead Photographer
“风太大,你上我后面站着呗!The wind is too strong. Could you stand behind me?”

Stella Jia

Lead Videographer

Hao (小小酥)


David Jin

【Asian CEO】Producer

CrazyLaugh DMV

Fangxiang Dong (小帕)

Lead Producer
"我就喜欢。I'm Lovin' It"

Claire Kuang (K仔)

Producer/小红书Social Media Lead
"What makes you happy, do it. 凡事皆有意义。"

Anlin Dong (安陵君)

“人生嘛,远看就是个喜剧啊 Life is a box of chocolates”

Jamie Zhang (Pupu)

Producer/Graphic Designer
“从来如此便不对。Be the change.”

Scarlett Ge (冰淇淋)

Producer/ Instagram Social Media Lead
“After all, tomorrow is another day”

Quan (雨青)

"star皆空 刀枪blue"

Estelle Xia (Wawa)

Volunteer Lead
"What’s life without whimsy?"

Harriet Peng (伊安)

Comic Lead
“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.日日都是新开始。”

Our Hilarious Comics


Anlin (安陵君)

Baries (拉面)

Claire (k仔)

Dillon (贾德林)

Felix Li (小非)

Harriet (伊安)

Jamie (pupu)

Jason (熊猫君)

Junk Food – Maoshu & Nino (垃圾食品-猫叔 & Nino)

Lucy (瓜特)

Monday (星期一)

Muhuan (三岁)

Nicholas Zhai (缺德舅)

Nick Hu (逸凡)

Nicky Ruan (菌菌)

Quan (雨青)

Rachel 47 (四七)


Scarlett (冰淇淋)


Xiaopa (小帕)

Our Precious Volunteers

Vincent (温鑫阁)

Xumeng Mou (木星木)

Weihan (孔维汉)

Janet (美纯)

Juli (刘晓宁)

Niuniu (扭扭)


Qianhui Ma (小马)

Efficiency (小绿)

Flora (宁萌)



John (三哥)

Tommy (小麦布)

Claire (酸辣粉)
